Thursday 26 July 2012

Prize Giving

Max, Jamie, Aran, Martin and Milo 
Last night we went to prizegiving where we all cheered Max getting his trophy for finishing in the top 20. Then we went swopping and I thought I had bought home the french team as all our team went for their bright blue shirts except Jamie who is too big for these rather small shirts, then it was back for some rather noisy if harmless late night chatting and as I write this everyone is dozing in my room before we check out . 
Yesterday after racing we had to hand back the charter boats, two sailors had mislaid some items and not managed to do as asked and put the spares in their labelled ( thanks Steph ) foil bags when we arrived, getting all the blocks and sprit wires off slows down everything and then we had pack the sails and spars we had brought with us and then pack our bags . I am sure the mums will find some un familiar items in the bags . Only two had to be re packed by Carla and various missing items amazingly re appeared after a weeks absence in someone else's room or bag.

Most teams have left although FRA who arrived almost last are spending two more days looking around . All of us very much like to get home to some English or Scottish food and some cold British rain but we understand you are in the middle of a heat wave ..

Our congratulations to go all the team who have worked very hard since selection and Tim and Carla wish them well at the nationals . Tim is back to Tesco and Carla off to help Stog on the 470 course in Weymouth .


  1. Congratulation to all the team; fantastic sailing; + hopefully fantastic fun also.
